Dr. Havranek has 10 years of experience leading research teams and driving projects forward with a passion for innovation, creativity, and collaboration. Prior to stepping into the Director of Research and Development role, she was a Senior Research Scientist at FYR Diagnostics and served as the technical supervisor in the clinical laboratory, where she contributed to creating laboratory-developed tests for SARS-CoV-2 detection and was certified by the American Society for Clinical Pathology in the Molecular Biology technologist specialty. She completed her postdoctoral research training in the Department of Infectious Diseases at the University of Georgia, where she led projects related to the characterization of the molecular contents of the lipid bilayer in enveloped RNA viruses. Her Ph.D. work was completed at the University of Montana in Integrative Microbiology and Biochemistry where she studied small RNA viruses in the context of host-pathogen dynamics. She obtained her BS from West Virginia University and began her professional science career working as a Chemist in the pharmaceutical industry. She has authored numerous publications in the field of molecular virology and is using this expertise to apply innovative solutions to the challenges associated with harnessing the power of extracellular vesicles in liquid biopsies.